
God’s word, Video games, Free and Open Source, Conspiracy theories, Stories, and Stupid stuff

Ecclesiastes 3:3

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;


(Nelyon Translation/Pronouncation/Abbrevation-Explaination)

What is Ssapere(War of Mind/ Sa-f-ear) Mental Hospital?

Ssapere was a Ssrad mental hospital for primarily UDAs during the UDA-NEYLON war.

The Purpose of Ssapere was to help soldiers and civilian casulties alike bring them back into society mentally sound.

The Hospital in the time of 607 A.D. (Current Time in the GPA universe.) Is a memorial that has forbidden access by the GPA.

Often used for Illegal activites, and considered haunted. The GPA haven't maintained the structure or removed hazardous material

created during it's lifespan. The structure is reguarlly patrolled, but never investigated due to the danger of the area.

The core of the abandon facility is filled with a deadly physicosis radiation. Studies have failed to find a proper cure/protection from this radiation.

So it remains untouched for years. It is the only GPA landmark to have a unidentified material. Other unexplain phenomina also keep this facility

the center of ghost stories.

History: (Nelyon date method)

2006 A.D. The spot for Ssapere was originally bad29. This is the first time the area was settled.

100 A.W. Bad29 loses it place. The reason this happened is still unexplained. Many assume it's a correctional jet malfunctioned, and the base was lost.(Till 493 A.W.)

1299 A.W. War between the Uda and Nelyons begin

1309 A.W. The Assylum begins construction.

1314 A.W. The Light Ssrad infultrated the admisistration.

The first sighting of a ghost is reported. Though this is a solar flare refracted.

1317 A.W. The Assylum is finished.

1319 A.W. The first ghost story by a non-patitent is reported.

1320 A.W. The Light's Experiments begin with one patient.

1322 A.W. The Light's patient tries to escape. no one listens to his screams for help demining him crazy. he is recaptured.

1346 A.W. The Light exspans it's experiment program.

1357 A.W. The light experiments on it's first non-Uda. a Ssrad.

1390 A.W. The light first experiment with a Nelyon.

1406 A.W. The Neylon's use bio warfare. And infects the Assylum with a phycotic.

The epitemitc becomes uncontrolable UDA miltary begins clean up.

1407 A.W. The Light uses the Bio weapon made by the nelyons to create the physicosis radiation.

The staff of the experiment go crazy. How they created it is lost.

1408 A.W. The Situation on Ssapere becomes uncontrolable.

The Light have no control in the matter. Only the insane control the building.

1414 A.W. The slugs attempting to remove the riots, destroy major parts of the assylum. with patients inside.

1415 A.W. The Core gets infected with the phycotic.

1419 A.W. The Assylum is deamed safe for more patients. Except for the core.

Insanity is still rapid and common in staff. The light deems the influtration unneeded. a evact is slowly carried out.

1424 A.W. Light's evactuation is complete.

1425 A.W. A battle ensues between a UTT(United Tribes of Tymical) frigate and a Rketa hunting vessel.

1/2 hour after the battle begins the Assylum gets caught in the crossfire and is accidently hit by the Rketa vessel.

2 hours after the first shots the Rketa vessel is destroyed, but takes out a section of the assylum in the explosion.

8 days of the battle the Captain of the UTT frigate is dishonarably discharged. And is sent to court

2 months later the captian is found not guilty. He is still forbidden to enter the millitary.

1426 A.W. The evidence of the Light are found by a uda inspector.

The Ssrads and Uda immendantly begin a search for the doctors and ex-patients.

1440 A.W. The Ssrad deem the Assylum unfit. And is decommisioned.

Demolision crews are established.

A crew goes missing for 2.5 weeks. later found being crazed and wandering the halls.

1442 A.W. Durring deconstruction a massive explosion happens. No one knows what happened.

1456 A.W. Two Slug Cruisers and 2 Rketa frigates, and A Rketa hunting vessel have a battle

A Rketa frigate is mysteriously destroyed. Some assume a malfunction in the engines caused the meltdown. The remaining forces are sent to Ssapere.

A Slug crusier is destroyed by the hidden forces of the Rketa in the assylum. they invade the ruins.

Rketa have a marine battle with in the ruins of the assylum.

The Rketa begin firing on their own. The slugs caught in the middle of the fire are slain with bewilderment.

Hearing cries for help the captain of the other Slug Cruiser sends in a squadron. They kill the Rketa with ease.

A half an hour of silence happens. The Rketa hunter cloaks.

The Rketa hunting vessel sends in soldiers to investigate, they bring some of the radiation on board and the whole crew kills each other.

The Slug cruiser finally finds the Rketa hunter ship. Detecting the radiation they destroy it.

1508 A.W. GPA happens

7 G.E. the GPA declares Ssapere a historiacal site.

9 G.E. Work begins on a maintance and restoration program.

24 G.E. The GPA shuts down it's program to clean the core.

87 G.E. The GPA removes another section of the Assylum to the maintance program.

203 G.E. The GPA removes a major section of the Assylum to the maintance program.

253 G.E. The GPA shuts down it's program to maintain the site.

299 G.E. THE GPA LOCKS DOWN THE ASSYLUM! No one enters for science or historical reasons.

486 G.E. The parasites invade on the assylum. They slowly become delusional. The ones that invade the core just reak havok on the station.

A single Pyrofly fighter destroys them. This is the closest anyone has gotten to the core. He became brain dead before he could leave. (But not before having visions of polterguists)

569 G.E. The GPA grants Doctor Aqqua to begins her research.

572 G.E. Doctor Aqqua spends 6 months in thearapy with 3 other members after one reported signs of a UDA-NEYLON war Medical Personal.

The Light desire more information on this, but are caught. with 2 arrests.

584 G.E. On a field investigation Doctor Aqqua goes missing. Some assume she got close to the core and went insane, and joined the hallowing halls.

Others assume it is because of prelong exposure to the elements.