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Proverbs 11:3
"The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them."

Backstory and Details

The Mario Kart Hacker War was a crazy series of races in the game Mario Kart Wii. The "War" had three major sides. The players (Those without hacks just looking to have fun.), The FTW hackers (The guys that cheated to win.), and the FTL hackers (The guys that tried to help the players).

For those that don't know Mario Kart is an on going series of mascot racing games developed by Nintendo(Japanese for 'Luck of Heaven'). Mario Kart Wii (MKWii for short) was released in 2008 for the Wii, which is also owned by Nintendo. The Wii was cracked early on in it's lifespan, causing homebrew to be released early with a lot of support before MKWii was even released. Now Nintendo was very nieve at handling an online community. (Still is to this day.) So punishments were haphazard at best, or negatated all together thanks to the strong hacker community. This caused a surge of cheaters that no other game has ever seen. Some races ended up being impossible to play due to the frustrating VR point system in MKWii was VR.

The higher the VR the "better" you were supposedly. You gained VR by winning races and by hitting other players with powerups. FTW hackers took advantage of this by purposely targeting other players. This acted as a double edged sword at times though. As FTL hackers would target the FTW. Acting as the online policing force of MKWii. Some of these races went up on youtube, complete with annotations. (Which youtube sadly dropped. If you have the annotations of a video then bring them to me.)

FTL Hackers (Good Guys)

The For the loser hackers, (or For the Lulz) were a bunch of hackers that used hacks to have fun. They never intended to use them for ruining other players fun. Most of their hacks were pretty cool too.


Perhaps the most reconizable hacker is MrBean3500VR. He created dozens of hacks through out the lifespan of the game, and is a CO-maintainer of GCPWII. He even hacked Mario Kart 8, but wasn't anything of note. He found out how the checkpoint lap glitch worked. He speed runned a lot. His ghosts are really hard to beat.

MrBean was also the best FTL hacker to have as a friend. He typically played legit races, but if there was a FTW hacker. He'd have quite a few tricks up his sleeve. For starters, some of his hacks were proprietory. Meaning only a few of his closest hacking buddies could obtain them.


Now this is an interesting FTL hacker. He started out as one of the script kiddie FTW hackers. He fluanted his power over the weak a lot. That is untill MrBean3500VR showed him the error of his ways. He then took up legit racing and the name NoHack2Win.

FTW Hackers (Cheaters!)

These are the script kiddes. Most of them download hacks, homebrew their wii, and ruin other players fun.


The Infamous FTW hacker from "Some hackers aren't so nice". CHINAMANZ had a hack that allowed him to keep all of his VR even if he lost some. This gave him free reign over the other innocent drivers that just wanted to have fun.

Known Players

These unfortunate guys were like you and me. Just the average joe enjoying video game. They just happened to get in the crossfire.

Rich Petty/Jughead870

Jughead named his character after nascar driver Richard Petty. Sadly youtube and Nintendo COPYRIGHT STRIKE BOMBARDED his channel. So all of his old videos are gone, with a few exceptions. His most infamous video is actually an encounter with VOTH24 of all people. If you have the video, PLEASE GIVE ME IT! He'd go on to befriend Voth/Nohack.


This lady, had poor camera quality compared to other youtubers, but she was still pretty big in the community. One of my favorite moments of her was when she was racing with NoHack on N64 Sherbet Land, she got hit and ran by a hacker, gaspped, and responded with "NoHack, KILL 'EM!" Nohack presided to kill him.


Perhaps the most infamous of FTW hacker videos was "Some Hackers aren't so nice". In the video you see Julian is persued by a Toadette cheater named CHINAMANZ. The video quickly devolves from a race to what some commentor describes as "a horror game". Julian loses a lot of VR in both races shown.


After the checkpoint lap was found. It was possible for some players to completely outsmart FTW hackers without the need of a FTL. This guy did it in his "Annihilating The Hacker" video. Here you can see the Hacker trying to beat him, but it was of little use.