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Genesis 1:25
"And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and
cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth
after his kind: and God saw that it was good."
This page is dedicated to a little unknown political problem. Bees. Yes the honey maker has a deeper issue in it than one may think. These guys are God's gardeners, they do most of the polinating.
Believe it or not Bees are the number 1 cause of animal related fatalities. They are number 2 in austrila beating out a lot of poisonous and venomus creatures. The reason, Allergies. Roughly one half of people are allergic. The question is do they know? Unfortuantely it seems the answer comes the hard way. If you see a bee don't get close, or if it's near you, don't move. Bees only attack if frighten/threatened. Even running away can cause a bee to think you're a threat. This can be said for hives too. Don't play with living fire.
Tsk Tsk Tsk, Parasites are a problem, they're an even worse one when it attacks a fellow insect. Beemites are red dots on the bee, they are not natural, and can lead to Population problems, or total broad destruction. mites latch themselves onto bees, then find larve and suck the blood out of them. Pesticide companies have tooken notice, but their methods are not what beekeepers want. Their "Mitecides" end up poluting honey, and killing more bees. The best solution has been to pour hot mineral oil on the bees, The coating doesn't kill the bees, and the honey is safe to eat. However this lacks results. There needs to be a way to make the bees kill the mites.
Insects go through population declines and booms frequently. But for bee keepers there are way too many ways bees die. Mites. as I have said, are one of the contributing factors. But pesticides in fields also cause deaths of bees. Some have speculated that 5g towers cause deaths too. Though these ideas are only theoritical at this point. (With only one case, under mutiple circumstances.) I love diving into conspircy theories. So I'll update the page if anything interesting happens. And probably make one on 5g in general.
People do not understand bees. Neglect and Ignorance has lead to both the deaths of Humans and bees alike.