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(There was a Bible passage talking about piercings, tattoos and not letting your be unclean. But I have lost where it is.)

Vaccines, also known as inoculations is the process of administering a “Sterilized” form of the flu shot. Now there are a lot of conspiracy theories going around for this thing. People call them anti_vaxxors. Some joke about their methods and life choices. Some even go as far to say you can’t live long without taking the needle. As some one who has not taken a vaccine for more than 20 years, that last one makes me laugh.

First off let me address the elephant in the room. The whole concept of inoculations is barbaric. In order to not get the plague, get the doctor approved plague! Because inserting “dead” and “weak” bacteria directly into your blood stream is totally better. That H1N1 on the counter takes like dish soap. So it must be healthier than the rest of the diseases. Remember kids if your coughing up blood your doing it right. If your dead you did not take your vaccines and you should be shamed.

Also why all the censorship? If it’s just a bunch of loons with crazy ideas. Why kick them off your platform? I’m mostly referring to pentagram-instagram which does this a lot.

This is also not the work of doctors. This is the work of the pharmacy industry which sell drugs. They can never be trusted as shown in the past. Remember Monsanto’s Round up is linked to cancer and they knew that for a long time. Not to mentioned heroin was made to be less addictive drug. GUESS HOW THAT TURNED OUT! Also there was an instance where a medication was linked to child birth defects, I think it was mesonma? The company that sold it knew about it’s flaws, AND DID NOT WARN PEOPLE! Fortunately the FDA actually protected us back then. So US was not as bad as the rest of the world.